Aveda Team Building Treasure Hunt
Date: August, 28th-30th 2017
Duration: Tre giorni
Aims: - Incentive organisation - Organising team building activity - Scouting location - Hotel selection - Finding restaurants
Our customer Aveda, part of part of Estée Lauder group, asked us to organise an incentive and we chose Courmayeur as it is an amazing location.
We organised the event in all the details, from the choice of the location and of the hotel, to the restaurants and the team building activities.
Concerning the activities we proposed a really peculiar team building, a themed Superheroes treasure hunt, that we called "We can be heroes" and that we divided in two phases: the first one in the centre of Courmayeur, well-known touristic mountain location, whereas the second one took place at 2.200 metres height.
The guests reached this height thanks to Sky Way, a modern cable car which turns 360° during its path allowing to enjoy a unique view on the Monte Bianco.
We organised a lunch at one of the most famous restaurants of the location to relax and prepare to the second part of the activity and then the participants reached 3.600 metres height to admire the breathtaking panorama.
The guests then challenged in a Team Me Up during which, after being divided into teams, they challenged in different trials.
One of the most original and funny was to choose from the "superheroes' chest" some clothes to wear to make a video to beat the other superheroes' teams.
These days have been really interesting even from the working point of view, in fact during the first and the third day there were internal meetings aiming at presenting some products and planning company strategies.
Concerning the staying we chose a wonderful hotel for our guests, situated at Pré-Saint-Didier, one of the most luxurious buildings of the place.