Time Management and Corporate Productivity

If the resource 'Time' cannot be hoarded, the only thing to do is to learn how to manage it in the best possible way; the main objective of the intervention is to teach how to organise one's time effectively by having a clear vision of the results to be achieved, recognising urgencies and priorities effectively.

Time Management and Corporate Productivity

Time, as a resource, cannot be hoarded or accumulated. In order to optimise it, therefore, you must learn how to manage it. The main goal of this course is to teach how to plan, organise and prioritise efficiently, optimising time through a clear vision of the desired results.


  • Learning how to plan activities and set deadlines
  • Assessing the most suitable management techniques based on a project’s priorities
  • Mastering suitable time-management tools


  • Key principles of time management
  • "Time thieves" and stress management
  • Effective time management techniques


Active classroom dynamics to make the training both engaging and transferrable to a professional context Theory meets practice: tailor-designed exercises will allow participants to put their new skills into practice and compare results

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