Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building
Multi Italy Team building

Date: September 12th-13th, 2016

Duration: Due giorni

Aims: - Scouting location - Organising the company dinner

We organised a two-day incentive for our customer Multi Italy consisting of a first part related to work environment and a second part oriented towards recreational and sport activity aiming at gathering all the participants together and strengthen the team spirit in a different context.

For the first day we organised a company dinner with a short meeting at a famous restaurant of Milan situated in Navigli area, which besides delicious food offers amazing shows to entertain the guests during the evening.

The second day developed in the name of activities aiming at creating a coordinate and harmonious group inside the company, so we organised a team building with solving team activities and the amazing race in a sports centre which offers a great number of options.
The participants faced different challenges which tested their abilities gathering the members of the various teams just towards an objective: cooperating to achieve the victory.

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Want to organize an incentive trip like this one? Contact us

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